Wednesday, April 30, 2008


My house has been taken over by sharks! Beware all who enter the puppy room! For there be four little sharks lying in wait with four little sets of very sharp teeth to bite HARD into the flesh of your feet. It's a good thing they're cute. ;-)

The pups are growing up in leaps and bounds. All four of them are taking well to paper training as well as crate training. They voluntarily go into their crate to sleep and manage to make it to the paper about 85% of the time.

This past Friday, the puppies had their first car ride and outing into the world. They accompanied me to the DogGone Ballistic Flyball tournament setup for a few hours. They were suitably passed around from one pair of arms to the next, made a mess in the ex-pen and then proceeded to escape the ex-pen while I cleaned it in order to go exploring the Curling Club. All in all, a successful evening.

Here are some Week 5 pics of the furkids taken yesterday.

Nala is turning out to be a wonderful girl. She's a very happy go lucky puppy, who like the "lion King" character that she is named after, loves to pin her brothers to the ground. And pin them again. She's a very accomplished wrestler! She's a generally laid back sort who can be convinced to play without too much encouragement from her siblings. She loves to cuddle and be petted but hates to be held on her back. She's showing good tug drive and loves her toys. She's also very photogenic. Amanda, Moth is going to love his new baby sister when he gets to meet her in a few weeks.
Pumbaa is the most laid back of the four pups. He's quite happy to sit in your lap and be petted for hours on end. His favorite pastime, other than eating, is trying to get back at Nala for pinning him. He's demonstrating good tug drive but prefers attention. And food. Pumbaa Bear as we've come to call him is going to be a great family dog and a very nice first sport dog. Sorry Tom, you're outvoted on this one. :-)
Rafiki is small but mighty. This is a really neat pup. He is the most outgoing, friendly, and confident of the four pups. He's very curious about the world around him and is usually the first one to go exploring. He enjoys playing with his siblings but will choose to interact with people instead of his siblings or the other dogs in the house. He is very people-oriented. He's got great tug and toy drive. This is going to be a really nice sport dog. And yes, he's going to have prick ears. Probably in about a week...
Simba is my personal favorite of the four pups. He is a cuddler. He likes nothing better than to be held and snuggled. Although not quite as outgoing as his brother Rafiki, Simba is a very drivey puppy. He's usually leading the shark attack. Like Rafiki, he is more people-oriented and prefers people over his siblings or the other dogs in the house. Though he'll get into a good wrestling match when enticed, he tends to be the pup playing off on his own with a toy that he's carefully selected. I expect that like Rafiki, Simba will grow up to be a really nice sport dog.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Future Agility Stars...

The pups got a new toy this week. A tunnel! And they do seem to love their tunnel. Check out these pics of the budding agility stars. Now if only I could convince Simba to tug on the tug toy instead of on my socks...

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

A day of many Firsts and the Great Escape

The furkids had a very big day yesterday. They ate their first meal, went outside for the first time and escaped the puppy room. Yes, that's right. They escaped the puppy room. Brent found the happy family (Mom included) curled up in the bathroom...

Here are some pics and a video (I remembered the video this time!) of the pups' first meal. If you're wondering what they're eating, it is blenderized ground chicken. Does anyone remember the classic Saturday Night Live skit called "Bass-O-Matic"? Nuff said. ;-)


Pumbaa insisted on being *on* the cookie sheet. Okay, so the cookie sheet was a bad idea...

Two of the boys after they finished eating. (Pumbaa on left, Simba on right)

After the big meal, it was time to go explore the Great Outdoors. Another first for the babies...


From left to Right: Simba, Nala, Pumbaa

Rafiki attacking Pumbaa

Push and the puppies love to play together

The pups got momentarily confused as to who their momma is...

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

A few pictures

Here's a few pics that were taken when Brigitte, Tom and Darby came to visit again yesterday. Week 4 puppy pics of everyone will be taken today or tomorrow and posted.

Simba tugging on my sock! Great tug drive, bad puppy! :-)

Nala, all played out. Look at how big she's gotten compared to the tennis ball! Okay, so it's not the same sized tennis ball as the one in last week's photos but still...

Rave nursing the gang. They really are getting big.

A quick update...

Sorry folks, I know I've been remiss in posting updates and pictures. But I'm feeling much better now. The boys started escaping from the whelping box on Saturday. I arrived home from the flyball tournament to find Simba sitting at the puppy room gate, looking out into the hallway. Pumbaa was the next one to escape. By the end of the day Sunday, they were all leaving the box on their own. Looks like it's time to switch to the ex-pen!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Week 3 puppy pics

What a difference one week makes! The pups are now all up and about on all fours and exploring whenever they get the chance. No one's escaped the whelping box on their own yet but it won't be long. There is plenty of play wrestling going on and they are exploring the toys that I've put in the box for them.

Here are some pics for you taken this morning. The pups were 3 weeks old yesterday. Sorry for the quality - the lighting in that room isn't very good and it's getting tougher to take pics since the pups aren't really interested in sitting still. :-)





Monday, April 14, 2008


I am falling behind in my puppy updates and I apologize. I've been down with a bad cold these past few days. :-(

Brigitte, Darby and Tom came to visit the pups this afternoon and took plenty of pics. I'll post a few of those for you tomorrow.

The pups are doing awesome! Though I could do without the 2am wrestling matches!!! Everyone is toddling around on all fours and getting stronger by the day. The pups are starting to play growl when they wrestle now and I introduced a few toys into the whelping box today. Pups will be 3 weeks old tomorrow so pics with the tennis ball are likely in order again. ;-)

Until then, I am stocking up on cold meds and antihistamines...

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Okay, so it's not puppy pictures

But how about a puppy video? I came home to find the little ones wrestling...

Anyone wanna come visit?

The puppies told me last night that they would love to see more of the outside world and other people. So starting this weekend, if you want to come visit, drop me a line.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

A Milestone Day!

Yesterday was a milestone day for the puppies.

Before leaving for work, I heard the first bark! Yes, the squeaks are now turning into barks. I'm not certain yet which one I prefer.

Last evening, I arrived home from work to find four puppies with their eyes open! Though this does means no pictures for a few days since I don't want to blind them with my camera flash.

And the final milestone? Pumbaa and Simba were toddling around on all fours. I'm certain that Nala and Rafiki aren't far behind.

Hmmm... I wonder who will escape the whelping box first...

Monday, April 7, 2008

I had fun at the TnG Seminar this weekend

And learned lots of great new flyball training ideas! But that means there was no puppy picture taking. But fear not! Pics were taken today. I added a regular sized tennis ball into to the pics so that you can see how big they're getting. ;-)


Rafiki (aka "Fiki")


Pumbaa (sorry, only one pic of him - he just wouldn't sit still!)

Lunch time! Look at how big they're getting when compared to Mom's paw.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Yes, yes, yes, I know...

More puppy pictures required. More will be coming on the weekend. I like keeping everyone in suspense. (insert evil cackle here).

Happy Friday!
D. :)

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

It's hard to believe that a week has passed

And that I have to go back to work tomorrow. I need to win the lottery!

The pups are growing before my very eyes and are getting more active by the day. Rave is leaving them more often during the day to spend some time with the rest of us and is liking the short daily walks she's been getting.

Here are your "Week One" pics.




Rave and Pumbaa