Monday, March 31, 2008

Being a Disney Fan...

I've found Puppy Names! Thanks to a child's perspective. ;-) The boys are now Simba, Rafiki, Pumbaa and the girl is Nala.

The pups are growing! The largest boy (Pumbaa) weighed in at 1lb 5 1/2 oz this evening. Nala is close behind at 1lb 5oz, Rafiki is at nearly 1lb 4oz and Simba, the littlest of the boys is an ounce behind him. The babies are gaining an average of 3 oz per day. Looking at them, I swear they've doubled in size.

We've started the Early Neurological Stimulation program (to read more, visit - ). The boys are taking to it without a complaint. Nala doesn't mind most of the stimulus but lets it be known that she has ticklish feet.

Here are a few pics of Saturday's puppy pile. And a short video as well. Turn up your volume and you'll hear the squeaks. The ones that make it sound like I have a houseful of mice. At 3 o'clock in the morning...

From left to right - Simba, Pumbaa, Rafiki (his head is under Nala - you can see it poking out on the far right of the pic), Nala.

Not sure who's bum we're looking at here...

For once, Nala is on the bottom of the puppy pile.

Friday, March 28, 2008

Puppies need names...

Okay, so I can't keep calling them Boy #1, Boy #2, Boy #3 and Girl. Right now, I'm starting to go "eenie, meenie, miny, moe" LOL! These pups need "puppy names". My original theme idea got spoiled since Rave decided not to whelp on Easter weekend. And no Joy, I am not calling them "Huey, Duey, Luey and Daisy". :-P

Other names that have been rejected:

Tom, Dick, Harry and...
Larry, Curly, Mo and the Other Stooge
Stop, Drop and Roll. LMAO!

Yeah, you can see that the creativity is definitely not flowing around here...

Sorry, no new pics today. They really haven't changed since yesterday. New pics will come on the weekend. Maybe tomorrow if y'all are nice to me. :-)

Oh, and the winner of the Timmy's card is Anik T. Anik, when you come over to visit in a few weeks, I'll have your card for you.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Ask and ye shall receive (sort of...)

Here is your puppy pic fix for the day. The babies are now two days old and doing very well. They're showing a steady weight gain every day and all of them are at least an ounce over their birth weights. They're quite active and vocal. Day. And Night...

Rave's been coming out to visit with me a couple of times a day. I took her for a short 10 minute walk today while the little ones slept and she enjoyed the 1-on-1 time (though she was happy to get back to her babies). Pups will be ready for visitors in a few weeks' time. Until then, I'll try to be vigilant about posting regular pics and videos.

Boy #1 - black face (no white), white triangle between shoulder blades, full white front legs, white hind paws.

Boy #2 - Narrow white blaze, partial white ruff (over left side only), white front legs, white hind paws.

Boy #3 - White blaze, full white ruff (but narrow), white front legs, white hind paws, belly spot like Mom, white factored.

Girl - Big white blaze, big white ruff, white paws all around, tail half white, full white belly. Most definitely white factored!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Three Men and a Little Lady!

Yes, the rumours are true. Rave gave birth to four beautiful and healthy puppies - 3 boys and 1 girl. Everyone is doing great. Rave is a really good mother and loves her babies. Here are some pictures of the babies. The first puppy was born yesterday afternoon at 1:40pm. The last, the girl, was born at 3:33pm. Nice and civilized times. Thanks Rave!

Happy Family (pups are only a few hours old in these top two photos).

Sleepy time (sorry about the colour - the heat lamp was on)

Monday, March 24, 2008

I had a great night's sleep last night...

Yay! Rave decided that a family dinner was probably not a good time to whelp. So no Easter puppies. Sorry M-H and Elise. No Timmy's / Starbucks for you. ;-)

Tonight, maybe? Y'all will just have to wait and see...

Saturday, March 22, 2008

No puppies yet...

Sorry Nat, no Timmys for you. ;-)

The pups haven't yet made their grand entrance into the world. Rave was pretty uncomfortable last night but is back to her usual self today. Still no drop in temperature, loss of appetite or display of nesting behaviour.

Perhaps tomorrow or Monday. I'm figuring tomorrow... When the whole family is here for Easter Dinner...

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Week 8 pics!

Here they are! The Week 8 photos of Rave. She sure has gotten bigger this past week...

Monday, March 17, 2008

Yup! More than one!

Rave and I went to the vet's today for our pre-whelping x-ray. I can tell y'all that we have more than one puppy and less than 10. I'm not going to post the x-ray as I don't want to give anyone a leg up in the "Puppy pool". It was very neat to be able to see the skulls, spines and ribs. :-D

So, here's the deal. Submit your guess for the puppy pool - include the date and time of whelping and the number of pups you believe Rave will have. The winner gets a Timmys or Starbucks (your choice) gift card.

I'll post new pics of Rave tonight. The puppy whelping window is anywhere from March 20th to March 27th.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

One FAT Border Collie!

Can you guess how many puppies are in there? Here are a few pics of Rave taken as she approaches the 7 week mark in her pregnancy.

She's lost her waist! :-D

Thursday, March 6, 2008

We definitely have puppies!

Palpation by my vet concluded that there is at least one (1) puppy in there. I sure hope there's more than one! We have an x-ray scheduled for March 17th to count skulls. Rave is due somewhere between March 20th and March 25th. It's getting close!

I REALLY need to start thinking about a whelping box...